2024 Drag Ambassador Program

The Drag Ambassador Program is Drag Out The Vote’s most effective tool in living up to our mission to educate, register, and turn out voters. Recruiting Drag Artists from all walks of life, the program successfully trained, launched, and managed drag artists across the country as they worked to drag out the vote. Using community and relational organizing, social media, digital events, and more, our Drag Ambassadors worked hard to engage their fans, friends, and family in civic activism. Go to Our Impact to see our program successes.


The Drag Ambassador Program is first and foremost an Organizing Program. Our goal is to register voters ahead of the 2024 General Elections on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.

Drag Ambassadors Responsibilities

  • Serve as a Drag Out The Vote Drag Ambassador, supporting Drag Out The Vote™’s programing & initiatives throughout the year.

  • Direct followers to use Drag Out The Vote’s voter registration tools on our website. 

  • Use your social media platform(s) to amplify Drag Out The Vote™’s programs & initiatives i.e. repost/ share Drag Out The Vote™ ‘s social media content.

  • Post about voter registration, get out the vote activities, civics issues, etc. on social media using Drag Out The Vote approved language and branding.

  • Repost Drag Out The Vote social content to educate voters on registration deadlines, mail-in voting deadlines, early voting timeframes, etc. and promote Drag Out The Vote™ events.

  • Represent the organization at live and online events as requested by Drag Out The Vote and personal schedule permitting.

  • Connect with Drag Out The Vote regarding non-partisan, voter-registration opportunities in your community.

  • Participate in monthly calls to actions and training/ calls.

  • Allow us to use your name and likeness on Drag Out The Vote™’s  website.


Applications for the 2024 Drag Ambassador Program are open! We will be approving individuals on a rolling basis. Please Email Executive Director Chris Diaz at chris@dragoutthevote.org for more information.